View Profile BoJoe-Studios

9 Game Reviews

2 w/ Responses


I've been playing this all morning from FK. I love it.

Not bad

It had some good ideas in it although I wasn't very happy with the controls, there is no way to keep the car under control!

Fix the physics and make another one

p.s. Pay no attention to assholes who don't even submit their own flash.

I likes it, but a few bugs

Maybe its because I don't have a large computer screen, but i couldn't tell exeacly which part of the bottom I was supposed to get to. Perhaps make the window a bit smaller.

Also, when you lose and it says "press g", if you accidentally press space the level restarts but that bird thingy stays up.

I liked the game, I've never played anything like it before. The powerups were great and I look for ward to the sequal.


I put in an entry for the 48 hour task this originally went in. Its great how you've improved it!

Only problem I had was when sometimes i pressed "Z" when it said to and it didnt give out the drink.

Aww well. Good work!


I think it is great! It'd help me learn if i wasn't a mathematical genius!


I didn't lose a singal life :p

nice work

Yarharhar responds:

Thanks for the kind comments!


i liked the pactrack, but could u gimme the script for having a finish?

Nice, oh and GenesisGaming, your a faggot.

GenesisGaming, give a helpful review retard, it's on the front page because ng users think its good. I checked your profile and you've never submitted a flash so how can you slag this off? It seems that you have never even used flash, you say the characters look like the Spongebob ones? Well maybe it's because they are, because on flash you import images, you don't have to handraw everything, don't be a dick. Great Game, well done ^^ ~Joe

sorry, but its beyond unoriginal...

Hey, constructive critisism, look at other flashes, find their weeknesses then make them your strengths, the other soundboards on newgrounds have flaws so you should build on them, not makew one on a lesser level, I hope to see more from you later on ng. ~Joe

Cactusjuice responds:

I agree,i'm stopping osundboards because theyre a waste of my skill,they're too easy to make and i won't progress in flash if i don't try new things,so expect to see alot more things from me.

Gir is the best

Thanks so much for making this! :-D Zim seems to have disappeared in Britain :'-(

hey,Im Joe and he's Rob. Robs a better animator so i mostly draw and um... stuff



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